Why Is Coffee So Unlucky For Me?

Well, I’ve recovered from the party on Sunday (it had been an extremely good get together and really liked it). Today (wednesday) I was having one of my regular coffee’s with my sister, Bria. We…


It Is A Quiet Life … or … Things I Did Today

I had been off to work yesterday and met with my sister (Bria) and her good friend (Shal). I work flexi-time and it was about mid-day so I made a decision I’d be a little…



Here’s an interesting post I’ve found while surfing the internet: “You and I can never do a kindness too soon, for we never know how soon it will be too late.“



I cannot wait for this movie. This is certainly gonna be an awesome movie! Somebody remind me once this is launched, alright?


I Am Entirely A Starter In Weblogging

I do not know about yourself but my buddies are happy to know me, I’m just a sincere man. You will discover rather quickly just how much I love leaping off my rooftop during the…
